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Greater Mt. Hermon MBC

Rev. Melvin Veasey Pastor

589 Walnut St

Memphis. TN 38126


“ It's always good to have a plan. It's also good to acknowledge that
plans change-and sometimes the detours actually lead us to a better way.
Make your lists, set your priorities, prefect your agendas, and work them
well. But in the midst of it all, remember to surrender them to God. Then
sit back and watch what a willing prepared heart can do in the light of
His DIRECTION.” Proverbs 16:19
Sunday Morning 9:30 a.m. Sunday School
Sunday Morning 11a.m.   Worship Service
Thursday Evening 7 p.m. Bible Study

Men & Women's Day Sept. 23 2018 @ 3pm
Men's Musical Oct. 28 2018 @ 2:30 pm

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